
WELCOME TO OUR BLOG about all our family travels and adventures. If you have traveled with us enjoy reading about our adventures together. If you are looking to learn how to travel or take adventures as a family, we hope we inspire you and we hope you find our experiences and advice helpful.
Experiencing our beautiful planet and all it's creations is a great way to bring your family closer together and you'll have memories that last a life time. Enjoy and Bon Voyage!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Welcome To Our Blog

We want to let you know what to expect with our postings. First off we will be going back through our many adventures and posting about them. We hope you have a wonderful time reading about our trips and we hope you feel like you were right there with us....maybe you were! Sometimes we travel with a group as big as 90 people! We also, hope that you can learn "how" to travel as a family. We will post traveling tips, traveling do's and don'ts and of course from reading about our experiences you can learn some do's and don'ts. We hope to encourage you to travel as a family and remember that family travel doesn't always have to be a big vacation, just quality time together. A trip to the lake, a bike ride, an amusement park, the park, family game night, etc. So, we will be writing about our small adventures too, cause small adventures are just as bonding, fun and full of memories as big ones. So grab your popcorn,  gather the family around and enjoy reading our blog. Good times.
PS You will likely see ads, banners, or hear us mention a product, well yes we get paid for that, so it's our way being able to afford to take the time to do this blog for all of you, so try not to mind the ads and who knows you might enjoy them.

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