
WELCOME TO OUR BLOG about all our family travels and adventures. If you have traveled with us enjoy reading about our adventures together. If you are looking to learn how to travel or take adventures as a family, we hope we inspire you and we hope you find our experiences and advice helpful.
Experiencing our beautiful planet and all it's creations is a great way to bring your family closer together and you'll have memories that last a life time. Enjoy and Bon Voyage!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Flight Day Written by Christine

wow, yesterday was our early, early flight. had to wake up at three am, which was horrible cause we stayed up u.til midnight. but somehow we did it. everyone came wearing their smiles had some donunts and coffee...and we were off to lax.
the fog was thick which added to our adventure. here was everyone excited, tired and not sure what they just got themsevles into.
the first flight went great, hardly any lines, smooth flight even landed fifteen mins. early but our second flight got delayed for fifty min. the dinner restaurant wanted to close however it all worked out and we had a yummy dinner.
nancy gould surprised her daughter and her son in law by showing up at the restaurant and asking to take they order. it was fun.
got to bed at one am puerto rico time and needed to get up at five thirty am the next day...but thats another story.
PS This is the only post that I actually got to write on the vacation. I had trouble logging in, hopefully next vacation we won't have the same problems.

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