
WELCOME TO OUR BLOG about all our family travels and adventures. If you have traveled with us enjoy reading about our adventures together. If you are looking to learn how to travel or take adventures as a family, we hope we inspire you and we hope you find our experiences and advice helpful.
Experiencing our beautiful planet and all it's creations is a great way to bring your family closer together and you'll have memories that last a life time. Enjoy and Bon Voyage!

Friday, October 7, 2011

DANCING DIVAS Written by Christine

Grandeur of the Seas
 Liz and I had been dancing all night with the group, in fact for hours we never left the dance floor. We had our groove goin on, we were dancing queens. About 3am we decided to head back to our cabins. As we exited the dance floor all eyes were on us….what can I say we knew we looked good, we knew we were the hit of the dance floor. We strutted our stuff, gracefully outta the dance room, beaming, heads held high, proud….we were dancing divas. We turned to look in the first mirror ….AAAAAHHHHHH our hair was plastered back dripping of sweat, we had sweat spots all over our clothes and our eye make up had run down our faces! I guess we were more like dancing clowns!
Travel Tip: Don't wear cheap make-up. Better yet get permanent make-up!

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