
WELCOME TO OUR BLOG about all our family travels and adventures. If you have traveled with us enjoy reading about our adventures together. If you are looking to learn how to travel or take adventures as a family, we hope we inspire you and we hope you find our experiences and advice helpful.
Experiencing our beautiful planet and all it's creations is a great way to bring your family closer together and you'll have memories that last a life time. Enjoy and Bon Voyage!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

RIGHT HAND MAN Written by Eddie

Several of us had made the finals for the weeks' trivia contest.  Instead of holding the game in the Schooner Bar it was held in the main theater.  When they informed us that we had to have between 5 and 6 in the group to compete we were bummed.  We only had 4 and no one else was able to join with us.  At the last second an older distinguished gentleman walked into the room.  We immediately asked him if he could join our team and he accepted. 
In no small way due to the gentleman's knowledge, our team won and we received all sorts of Royal Caribbean logo items.  We had a wonderful time.  About an hour later as we were reminiscing (gloating) outside in the lobby about our triumph, our new gentleman friend walked past us and I remarked, rather loudly, “Hey, there's our right hand man!”.  As he continued past us he raised his arm and said, “Yeah, I know, I'm always the right hand man”.  About that time Brian said, “You IDIOT, he's missing his right hand!”  I looked back and to my horror the arm he was raising had no hand attached!

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